So, I spent quite a while doing a post tonight and then.. "poof" - it disappeared - kinda how my night has been. Well, in a nutshell, this is what I said, I thought I was doing great emotionally..... I thought I was "over" having my moods be dictated or affected by other people and how they treat me or what they think of me. Well, I was wrong... so tonight is sort of crappy.
Today I did lots of things that needed to be done... and that was good. I also saw lots of people I have been wanting to see - and that was great. But I also realized today that I may actually be able to go back to "Normal" (whatever that is) after all. And I don't like that. I don't ever want to be "normal" again. I have been sooooo extremely tired for the past 10 days - I think it's just the emotion of it all - and sometimes, it's easier to just "go back to normal - go with the flow" - well, nope. not accepting it.
Excited that Leah and I get to share part of our trip with our church on Sunday. Not excited that I need to somehow convey all the wonderful lessons God taught me - in 2-3 sentences.... WHAT????? I can't do that in 2-3 pages. Feeling lots of anxiety about that - it's what I have thought about and prayed about since I was in Kenya, "Lord, how do I go back and tell people what I have seen, felt, heard.... in a way that they will hear it and be moved into action???". I know God is faithful.... so, I will go to bed early tonight and I will get up early and I will pray for God to give me HIS words......
My heart is longing for Kenya - for the hard life that is so incredibly simple and so fulfilling.....
big sigh....