Thursday, January 21, 2010


So, those shots have had some interesting side efffects. I was fine until about 7 last night and then I got soooooo sleepy could hardly keep my eyes open or move. Finally had to move from my couch to the bed b/c my head hurt sooooo badly. I went to bed at 9:30 and didn't move until 8:30 this morning when Brittney came running in the room yelling "you didn't get up and I'm late for school"!. I heard her.... but I could not open my eyes or move!! I felt like I was under anesthesia. About 20 minutes later I got out of bed and found my limbs to be very uncooperative!!! They felt like they were made of lead!!! I made it through the day at work .... somehow!! Was sooooo sleepy and now I'm pretty sore.

Had lunch with my friend Allison today and that was great. She's such a solid friend. She and her daughter, Heather, are going to take the girls one night when I am gone and have a "girl's night" at her house and do manicures and pedicures. The girls will love that and I'm sure the boys will too!!!

Finishing up the details of the will with the attorney - we'll sign it next week -

Tomorrow will be my first full day at my practicum for grad school - it's feeling a little strange to be going to work at the daycare and then going to a school and to classes and getting ready for this trip. It all felt really out of control last week but now, it's good. Everything is falling into place and I am feeling completely at peace about all of it. It's great - God is so good and I am more and more aware of that every single day.

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